I didn’t dive into AI—I tripped over it, side-eyed it for a while, and then realized resistance was futile.

As an entertainment professional in front of and behind the scenes, a master meditation teacher and an author, I never expected to be tinkering with tech, but here we are.

AI is reshaping everything, and instead of running for the hills, I decided to get curious.

I use AI to streamline creativity, spark ideas, and help others (especially women 50+) see its potential without getting lost in the jargon.

I’m not naïve—I know the risks, the hype, and the bad actors.

But AI isn’t going anywhere, so why not understand it, use it wisely, and stay ahead of the curve?

This space is for exploring AI with a mix of curiosity, humor, and zero fluff. Because the future belongs to the curious.

I do copious amounts of research, doing my best to bring you information from multiple sources like:

Stanford University’s AI Index Report

MIT Technology Review

McKinsey Global Institute

OCED.AI Policy Observatory

World Economic Forum

The Alan Turing Institute

AI NOW Institute

Pew Research Center

Harvard Business Review

CB Insights

DeLoitte Insights

Sensity AI

DeepTrace Labs

Open AI Research

Google AI Blog

Electronic Frontier Foundation

This site is always evolving, just like ME and AI, so come back and visit me often!

Get In Touch. 

Call Me: 760-895-2256 

or email:  kazakers@icloud.com