Enchanted Forest, Florida
Hilo, Hawaii
Macchu Picchu, Peru
The Pro-Age Woman Summit
Sacsayhuaman, Peru
Palm Springs, CA

KaZ had a very busy entertainment career for many years and found she needed a strategy to help her manage it. That’s when she discovered meditation

KaZ has been a meditation practitioner and student for thirty-three years.

She has been a certified master meditation  teacher for twenty-three years, with research in the neurological effects and implications of meditation,
KaZ is a catalyst for individuals to relieve stress, tension, trauma, pain and challenges with her specialized, non-traditional, secular, available to all, easy to follow, and quick  approach to meditation.
She has taught and lectured to thousands of people ages 4-90 in recovery, disordered eating facilities, youth detention, youth programs, spiritual communities, libraries, museums, at events, conferences, for businesses, privately and online

“Hi KaZ. Thanks again for the lovely experience with you.” Therapist, Author, Eating Disorder Facilitator and in recovery.

“Class helped me to control my anger. I started being calm. I spent time with myself more. Controlled my impulses. I did exercises in my room. I got so mad one time that I couldn’t sleep. So I just tried to breathe. And then I fell asleep. I’m more mature. My thought process changed. I learned breathing can do something if you pay attention to your breath. Over time I am taking it seriously. It made me wiser, more mature, more mindful. I know I have to work, things aren’t just going to come to me. KaZ is a big-hearted person, she loves all of us. She takes the time out of her life to do it. She has hope for all of us. She has a lot of patience.” Student, 16, Juvenile Justice Facility.

“I would like to give KaZ Akers a wholehearted recommendation with any community. KaZ’s passion and joy is so tangible and uplifting that anyone fortunate enough to be in her presence will have a transformational experience and rise to her empowering bright soul!”  Meditation Teacher, Recovery Facilities 

“Everyone LOVED having you here. (Me, too!)” Manager, La Quinta Museum, La Quinta, CA

KaZ has a deep breadth of knowledge & experience in teaching & practicing allowing her to tap into a variety of approaches. Her enthusiasm & special spirit are infectious and inspirational. We always left our sessions with a sense of inner peace.” Jan and Eric

“I attended your class yesterday and was very impressed.” Baba V.

“We lately have joined the meditation class. We both feel relaxed and happy, and we love your teaching style along with your great personality, we just get a great feeling from the whole package you give. ” Sandra F. Palm Desert, California

“I feel I should tell you that you figured prominently in my hours of greatest need and pain while I was hospitalized. It was a sudden, shocking, dangerous surgery during which I lost most of my own blood. But I kept hearing you say calming, meditative things. I focused away from what was scaring and hurting me, and just tapped into your energy with every ounce of strength I could muster. It brought forward a thought~ as much as I was begging to pass on to the next Life, there were other patients in the same hospital fighting to take each breath, fighting to live, and it gave me perspective. I never believed our friendship could be of such incredible value to me after 40 years of knowing you. I am not the same person on this side of the experience.” M.B. actor, singer, survivor.

“KaZ is effervescent.” Wall Street Journal

“…when are you coming back?” High School Student at San Jacinto High School

“Kaz…a DREAM come true…a GROUP moving meditation that feels like hOMe to me! Thank you! yes, evening is powerful! Namaste dear!” Vicki J.

“Hi KaZ, I hope you know the value of the work you have done at the Youth Academy to inspire and help enhance the quality of life for the boys is immeasurable.” Director, Compassionate St. Augustine

Teaching Locations

White Sands Buddhist Monastery and Center, Mims, Florida

Michael’s House Recovery, Palm Springs, California

Palm Desert Library, Palm Desert, California

San Jacinto High School, San Jacinto, California

Harvard/MIT Humanist Center 

Spiritual Naturalists Society

Center for Spiritual Living, Palm Desert California – Adults, Teens, Tweens and Youth

Center For Spiritual Living, Palm Springs, California

La Quinta Museum, La Quinta California

Beau Cote Disordered Eating Facility, Bowen Island, British Columbia, Canada

The Proage Woman Digital Magazine and YouTube Channel

Compassionate St. Augustine, St. Augustine, Florida

Compassion In Action, St. Augustine Florida

St. John’s Youth Academy Youth Juvenile Detention Center Residents and Staff,  St Augustine, Florida

Online one-on-one and groups.